from sunraster.instr.spice import read_spice_l2_fits # example SPICE raster file (from STP122) data_path = "/archive/SOLAR-ORBITER/SPICE" # to be changed to your SPICE mirror file_name = "fits/level2/2020/11/20/solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20201120T190711_V09_33554610-000.fits" file_name = f"{data_path}/{file_name}" raster = read_spice_l2_fits(file_name) # raster is a NDCollection, containing a data cube per window: # NDCollection # ------------ # Cube keys: ('[STP122] O III 703 / Mg IX 706 - SH', '[STP122] O III 703 / Mg IX 706 - LH', '[STP122] S IV 750 - Peak', '[STP122] Ne VIII 770 / Mg VIII 772 - SH', '[STP122] Ne VIII 770 / Mg VIII 772 - LH', '[STP122] Ne VIII 780 / Mg VIII 782 - SH', '[STP122] Ne VIII 780 / Mg VIII 782 - LH', '[STP122] S V 786 / O IV 787 - Peak') # Number of Cubes: 8 # Aligned dimensions: [1.0 784.0 160.0] pix # Aligned world physical axis types: ('time', '', 'custom:pos.helioprojective.lon') # Select a window window = raster["[STP122] S IV 750 - Peak"] print(window) # SpectrogramCube # --------------- # Time Period: ('2020-11-20T19:08:11.469', '2020-11-21T00:26:51.219') # Instrument axes: ['raster scan' 'spectral' 'slit' 'slit step'] # Pixel dimensions: [ 1 50 784 160] pix # Longitude range: [-3.59999999e+02 -1.52684942e-06] deg # Latitude range: [-0.14409652 0.10439698] deg # Spectral range: [7.48328253e-08 7.53106586e-08] m # Data unit: adu print(window.wcs) # WCS Keywords # # Number of WCS axes: 4 # CTYPE : 'HPLN-TAN' 'HPLT-TAN' 'WAVE' 'TIME' # CRVAL : -0.020917762180222222 -0.019849788266444443 7.507174190000001e-08 9619.875 # CRPIX : 80.5 392.5 25.5 1.0 # PC1_1 PC1_2 PC1_3 PC1_4 : 0.998375086225 -0.0156421343739 0.0 0.0 # PC2_1 PC2_2 PC2_3 PC2_4 : 0.207592335445 0.998375086225 0.0 0.0 # PC3_1 PC3_2 PC3_3 PC3_4 : 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 # PC4_1 PC4_2 PC4_3 PC4_4 : -120.25 0.0 0.0 1.0 # CDELT : 0.0011111111111111111 0.00030500000000000004 9.751700000000001e-12 1.0 # NAXIS : 160 784 50 1 print(window.array_axis_physical_types) # [('time',), ('em.wl',), ('custom:pos.helioprojective.lon', ''), ('custom:pos.helioprojective.lon', '', 'time')] # Data can be accessed as a numpy array: print( # (1, 50, 784, 160)